Wednesday, January 7, 2009

I'm out of mints...

I had this thing of mints, and I'm totally out. I knew I should have eaten them in a slower fashion.

As I reflect on all the times I was chewing a wintergreen mint, I realize that I was not eating these mints to freshen my breath. I was eating my icebreakers because I was frightfully hungry. In the future, I will reserve my mints for bad breath moments, instead of as a casual snack...


  1. ...and this is a very sad but true lesson you had to learn... I'm proud of you Bryan. You have the makings of a lean, green (wintergreen at that!) worship machine. I look forward to coming alongside you for such a time of growth in this area. Ah those breath deceptive they can be...

  2. I'll never be as good as you!!! NEVER! Why do you patronize me so?
