Tonight I'll be singing him The Trapeze Swinger by Iron and Wine. So far he seems to love it because, well... he's asleep. Such a soothing chord progression. If you'd like to play along, simply capo 2 and play C, G, and F5 in 4/4 time at about 68 bpm.
Enough of the guitar playing and on to some blogging! I was sitting here going through my Itunes and I thought about tonight when Travis asked us what music we're listening to lately. For some reason I awkwardly said "Damien Rice... uh, he's cool and stuff." Now that I think of it, I haven't listened to Damien Rice in months. So why in the world did I say that? I do not have an answer for you, all I know is that it was a silly artist to announce to everyone. So I went onto Itunes to do some research! I clicked on the "Top 25 Most Played" thing and realized I am crazy for Jon Foreman. My entire 25 songs are practically all Jon Foreman tracks, and the most played track is.. (drumroll please)... (come on.. seriously, drumroll)... Your Love is Strong. This song is so good. I've always wished I could write songs and sing words that I could call my own, but I'm slowly realizing if I can't do it now, it's probably not going to happen. Luckily there are people like Jon that know how to write what I'm trying to say. Here's just a snippet of the song.
Heavenly Father, you always amaze me
Let your kingdom come in my world and in my life
You give me the food I need to live through the day
And forgive me as I forgive the people that wronged me
Lead me far from temptation
Deliver me from the evil one
So why do I worry?
Why do I freak out?
God knows what I need
You know what I need
Your love is strong
Next time somebody asks me what I'm listening to lately, I am SO gonna be ready.